Hello! I’m Mindy Larsen.
I’m so glad you’re here!

I’ve been a writer and a follower of Jesus since I was little. But it was in my twenties the two passions collided, and I felt called to write with this purpose – to help others find the goodness of God even in the midst of difficult times. 

It started as a blog where I randomly shared what I was wrestling with in life and how the Lord was encouraging me. And quickly developed into a calling that led me to write:

  • Countless personal reflections and stories on my blog

  • Two Advent devotionals – A Restful Advent and An Advent Laced with Grief

  • Faith-driven encouragement for publications such as Grit & Virtue, (in)courage, and The Joyful Life Magazine

What drives me is this – I know I’m not alone in my desire to find peace amidst my struggle with anxiety, hope after the death of my dad, or encouragement as I continue to navigate a broken world. I write because through each of these heartaches, I have found hope and peace; and I’m here to help you believe you will, too.

If you’re seeking peace, encouragement, or hope in the highs and lows of life, you’re in the right place. Let’s jump in together and uncover the goodness of God.

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Fun facts about Mindy


No. 1

I love Dancing with the Stars so much I dream of being one of the competitors. It’s one of those dreams you know will never happen, but in the same breath you’ve thought about it so much you feel like it’s definitely going to. I’ve imagined who my partner would be, discussed challenges I would face, and what dances I might excel at. This dream is big, you guys. Now I either need to get famous or they need to have a special season of “Dancing with Normal People”.

No. 2

My husband, Chris, and I met in French class at Ripon college. He was the cute blonde boy who always walked into class a second before it started. Our introduction started with “bonjour” but the real connection began at a campus party when I dragged him over a bar to dance with me. *Insert a silly, slightly embarrassed, but also proud emoji face because that was the beginning of our story. We quickly fell in love and we’ve been happily married for 13 years.

No. 3

A few things that bring me joy - a vibrant sunset, a snowstorm swirling chunky snowflakes and blanketing the earth (unpopular opinion - I love winter), a cozy wood-burning fireplace, sipping on a glass of bubbly champagne, playing a board game and laughing with friends or family (current fave is Code Names), reading a good novel, and spending a hot summer day on the lake up north.

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