Mindy Larsen has been published in Christian publications such as (in)courage, Grit & Virtue, The Joyful Life Magazine, She Leads Daily, Thryve Magazine, and more. She has also been featured on several podcasts. Below are a few samples of her published works.
A Practical Way to Care for Yourself During Seasons of Stress
Issue 11 | REST | Summer 2021
“The next time you feel overwhelmed, sit in stillness with the Lord, and with the Holy Spirit’s help, listen to your body’s response when you ask this question, ‘What do I need today?’
Am I disconnected from the Lord?
Make space for reading the Word or prayer.
Am I physically drained?
Carve out time for a nap or early bedtime.
Am I jittery with a high heart rate?
Try a Christian yoga flow.
Am I craving connection?
Reach out to a friend and plan a get together.
This practice is simple yet powerful because it challenges us to listen with deeper intentionality to what our bodies and souls are craving. When we do this, not only do we embrace the great freedom we have to find rest as we ask the Lord to direct our steps, we also give ourselves the opportunity to explore how to activate the beautiful system God created to help us.”
What are Thin Places and how do They Help us Experience God?
Grit & Virtue
March 10, 2021
In the same way tension feels tangible, as if you could cut through it with a knife, the Lord’s presence pierced through the air as grandpa took his last breath. In this excruciating yet delicate moment, His peace in our pain was so palpable it felt like if we simply looked up, we might peer through an opening in the atmosphere and see Jesus sitting on the throne.
This is what ancient Celts refer to as a “thin place.” A place, or a moment, where the distance between heaven and earth feels minuscule; a mere breath apart.
It may be easier to recognize thin place moments in monumental events like weddings, deaths, the birth of a child, or an epic array of the Lord’s creation, but I wonder – what if the Spirit of God drenches every breath, heartbeat, and conversation much more than we take note of?
Read the full piece here
“We Already Have What we Need: How to Find Goodness in the Mess”
Grit & Virtue
April 20, 2020
Friends, if you find yourself in the midst of a messy situation that is out of your control, and you’re tempted to believe the lie that you will not find goodness or peace until you’re out of it, let me remind you that you already have what you need through the Holy Spirit.
When I’m consumed with anxiety or a situation that is out of my control, there are three practical steps that empower me to find the Lord’s goodness in the mess.
Read the full piece here
“She is significant, With or Without Child”
Grit & Virtue
June 19, 2019
Wrestling with this counter-cultural question, I’ve been tempted to believe that my role in this world doesn’t matter as much because I’m not currently taking on the job of mama. But as I’ve spent time asking the Lord what He has in store for our lives, I’ve learned to believe the truth that I do not have to be a mom to be significant.
Nowhere in scripture does it say that women must have children. Nowhere does it say that if you have kids, then God will love you more. Kids or no kids, we are significant. Our Creator loves us no matter what.
Click here to read the full piece
"Unexpected Guests"
May 16, 2018
"It’s easy to be hospitable when we’re prepared for it, but Jesus doesn’t command us to love one another when it’s suitable for us; He says to love one another. Period.
Sometimes hospitality looks like a beautifully planned dinner party, but I’m discovering that it can simply look like a sweet little sign on the guest bedroom door welcoming unexpected guests."
"How to Operate out of Abundance"
Grit & Virtue
November 1, 2017
"The Lord does not give to us as the world gives because He gives 100% without restraint. There’s no level of “if you do this, then you’ll get this.” He doesn’t dose out his goodness at random intervals depending on where we are or what we’ve done. He blesses us in all things, at all times, not as the world dictates. With Him there is no such thing as sparingly; He is all about abundance."
Click here to read the full piece
"The Friend who Exceeds Expectations"
February 24, 2017
"Last summer I was a sad song stuck on repeat. Wrought with loneliness, over and over again I cried out to God asking, "Where are my deep friendships?" Absorbed by my longing for perfect depth, discontent descended like a fog over my relationships. I was so consumed with what was missing that I failed to recognize that our heavenly Father is the friend who exceeds expectations."
"Bringing Light into Darkness"
June 4, 2016
"Just as the sun is not overtaken by a cloudy day, our God cannot be overcome by darkness. Through Christ’s victory on the cross, no evil stands a chance. But we can’t sit idle. As followers of Christ, we need to be active participants in the battle and bring light into the darkness."