In Love with Life: Birthday Blessings
Here I am, two days later, and I am still a little overwhelmed by how blessed and truly celebrated I felt on my birthday. As I shared in a post about a huge birthday balloon for my sister, birthdays have always been kind-of a big thing in our family. We try to make them special for each person and make sure they know how much we love them and how special they are to us. It's actually quite awesome and I'm so blessed to have grown up this way. Someone recently commented on how birthdays after you turn 21 just don't have a lot to them- how turning the big 27 is really just me reaching my late twenties. I shrugged, and somewhat agreed, I guess. But now that my 27th birthday has come and gone, I can honestly say that it is up there on the "most special birthday" list.
Waking up in the morning I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes just enough to give my husband a kiss and receive a few cheerful "happy birthdays" before he went out the door. Shortly thereafter, I was forced to jump out of bed as the doorbell rang and a beautiful bouquet of flowers arrived from my sweet man. Taking my flowers into the kitchen I was greeted by a funny card with a love-filled message on the back. Not even an hour into my day and I was already feeling the love. I quickly hopped in the shower, threw on a sundress (thank you God for giving me a sunny day) and went out the door to my next birthday event. Sitting out on the patio, soaking up the much-missed sunshine, (even to the extent of a little sunburn, oops) my super-cute friend, Tara, treated me to mimosas, a yummy breakfast, and a morning birthday sundae at the tasty Cafe Hollander.
Full, on my just-eaten breakfast, I wasn't so sure how I was going to digest quickly enough to make room for the lunch I was supposed to have with my mom in the next 40 minutes. I went home to sit for a bit, only to find a little package waiting at my door. Another one of my friends, Alexa, had driven 45 minutes to drop a little something off for me! At this point, I was thinking that this day couldn't get any better. And then the doorbell rang...
I was expecting to see my cute little mother's face when I opened the door, but was quite surprised to be greeted with a Minnie Mouse balloon that was almost my size! With a big smile on my face and a little chuckle I opened the door to see my mom AND MY SISTER hiding around the corner. The caps are most definitely important here, because my sister is a teacher and it is not often that she is able to take time off work. In fact, she gets 1 personal day for the whole year. My amazing sister took half of that 1 day, to spend with and celebrate me. Oof- I cannot even explain how overwhelmed and how special I felt from this enormous gesture along-with the special coordination my mom pulled off to make it happen. And that wasn't it; the day continued to get better and better as they surprised me with a birthday lunch followed by pedicures!! We wrapped up the day by heading to my parents house where my sweet pops grilled up some shiskabobs. We ate together, shared a lot of laughter, some birthday cake and they continued to spoil me with some gifties. On our way home, I couldn't help but get a little teary in the car as I thought about how truly amazing my birthday had been. I was so overwhelmed and overjoyed by how much love I had experienced.
The reason I am sharing this is not to rub it in your face or stick my nose up in the air and say "look at what I did, aren't I special?" I wanted to share this with you because it made me realize the impact that really being shown love in a tangible, physical presence sort of way, makes on our lives. I don't know about you, but I want to experience love like this everyday! What's crazy is, that's how God loves us- in a way that is overwhelming, that is all about blessings and encouragement and support amidst whatever trials we are facing in this world. He created us to desire, receive, and be givers of this crazy love.
One of my dear friends called me a "specializer" yesterday. She said that I am really good at making people feel special and celebrated, and that she was so excited to hear that I experienced being "specialized" on my birthday. I was really honored and humbled that she labeled me in that way. Thinking more about it, I think we are all created to be "specializers"- to make others feel loved and celebrated, and not just on our birthdays.
I am so thankful for everyone who made an impact on my day (and my life) by showing me crazy love. I hope that I can continue to grow in my role as a "specializer" and make more and more people's days by showing them overwhelming love.
P.S. Thanks to everyone else who sent me love on my special day too! And a shout out to my Iron Man 3 watching, tattoo-bearing friends. :)