Someone life-giving and why
I didn’t realize how truly life-giving my niece was until our “safer at home” policy went into effect back in March. None of us thought we had the virus, but in order to err on the side of caution, we didn’t have “auntie time” for two. whole. weeks.
When I got my first snuggle dance, I just about melted into the floor. A snuggle dance with Lola is where she asks to be picked up, tucks her arms underneath her, lays her head on your shoulder, and asks to listen to a song on the speaker. It’s precious, warms your heart, and if ever given the opportunity, you’re going to want to answer YES.
What’s the most life-giving about time spent with Lola is that she helps me fix my eyes on the moment right in front of me. When I’m tempted to think about what’s happening in the world around me, a sweet voice saying, “Auntie Min!” is all it takes to snap me back to the fun of playing I Spy With My Little Eye, running on the sidewalk, or snuggle dancing.
I think that’s the gift of being a kiddo, and perhaps why the Lord encourages us to have childlike faith. Yes, she’s aware of what’s happening in the world around her (just ask her – she’ll say, “keep us healthy and safe from all the germs”) but that doesn’t get in the way of joy bubbling out of her.
Who is someone life-giving in your life, and why?
Tell me in the comments below or join me in my JOY AMIDST ANXIETY challenge.
**This post is day 2 of the Joy Amidst Anxiety challenge - someone life-giving and why.
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