One way I'm stronger than Pre-Covid

Mindy Larsen lake pic with muscles

As you can tell, forming giant, bulging biceps isn't one way I’m stronger than pre-Covid 🤣. But learning to let go is. 

Throughout this season, with every unknown and every frustrating circumstance that has come my way, the Lord has made it abundantly clear that the best way to find joy and peace amidst this anxious season is to LET GO and DEPEND ON HIM. 

This is a constant challenge, specifically when it comes to life as anxiety sufferer because in a lot of ways the struggle with anxiety is rooted in a fight for control.  

Learning to let go in and of itself greatly lessens my anxiety (and it’s truly life-giving in this season where just about everything is out of our control); but pair it with a free-fall dependence on the Lord and that’s where the magic happens. 

I’m pretty sure learning to depend on the Lord versus clinging to control will be a life lesson I continue to work on; but I have zero doubt that I will look back at this time and remember “that was a really hard season where I learned the extraordinary gift of letting go.” 

What’s one way you’re stronger now than you were before? Tell me in the comments or share on your own using #joyamidstanxiety 


**This post is day 7 of the Joy Amidst Anxiety challenge - one way you’re stronger than pre-covid. You can find the full scoop by clicking here.