Sitting here at my breakfast table enjoying a late breakfast, doing some reading in my Bible, I have gotten hung up on a verse. After finishing reading Deuteronomy with my friend, I moved right on to reading Joshua. Here's the verse that I've been thinking about.
It's crazy to think that God keeps ALL of His promises isn't it? But the question that really has my brain cranking today is the question of- what promises has God made to me that I don't even think about or realize? I think so often it's easy to get caught up in our human desires, thinking about what we want and how God should be faithful to us by blessing those desires. But that's where we have it all backwards. It's not about us and what we want Him to be faithful to us about- or what promises we want Him to make to us. It's about us realizing the awesome promises that God has already made to us in His Word- and thinking about how they impact the way we live our lives.
When God makes a promise He NEVER backs out, He Always fulfills it. I love that last line of Joshua 21:45 - Every one was fulfilled. Every single one of the promises God made to the house of Israel was fulfilled. In the context of what's happening, Joshua is referring to the promises God made to the tribes of Israel regarding the land they are to inherit. It's awesome to think that God is in the little things like where people are going to live.
I think maybe the reason this verse spoke to me is because I need this reminder that God is faithful in all His promises, that every one is fulfilled. The promise that keeps coming to my mind today is the simple promise Jesus made- "Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." I am not exactly sure why that is the one that comes to mind, but I am so thankful that I know with great certainty that God is going to stay true to that promise and be with me, in the thick and thin, every single day no matter what is going on in my life.
As I continue to dwell on this verse, I want to challenge myself to think of the other promises that God reveals to us in His word. They are such good reminders and great revelations of what the character of God is like. If you happen to stumble across my page and have a favorite promise of God that you cling to or that encourages you, please post it in a comment. I'd love to see how others are encouraged by God's faithfulness too.
Until then- have a great day and remember that Every one of God's promises is fulfilled.
Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. Joshua 21:45I've been thinking a lot lately about God's faithfulness. About how He is always faithful, never fails, always follows through. This verse came as a reminder of that faithfulness to me today. And yet it also came as a challenge.
It's crazy to think that God keeps ALL of His promises isn't it? But the question that really has my brain cranking today is the question of- what promises has God made to me that I don't even think about or realize? I think so often it's easy to get caught up in our human desires, thinking about what we want and how God should be faithful to us by blessing those desires. But that's where we have it all backwards. It's not about us and what we want Him to be faithful to us about- or what promises we want Him to make to us. It's about us realizing the awesome promises that God has already made to us in His Word- and thinking about how they impact the way we live our lives.
When God makes a promise He NEVER backs out, He Always fulfills it. I love that last line of Joshua 21:45 - Every one was fulfilled. Every single one of the promises God made to the house of Israel was fulfilled. In the context of what's happening, Joshua is referring to the promises God made to the tribes of Israel regarding the land they are to inherit. It's awesome to think that God is in the little things like where people are going to live.
I think maybe the reason this verse spoke to me is because I need this reminder that God is faithful in all His promises, that every one is fulfilled. The promise that keeps coming to my mind today is the simple promise Jesus made- "Surely I am with you always to the very end of the age." I am not exactly sure why that is the one that comes to mind, but I am so thankful that I know with great certainty that God is going to stay true to that promise and be with me, in the thick and thin, every single day no matter what is going on in my life.
As I continue to dwell on this verse, I want to challenge myself to think of the other promises that God reveals to us in His word. They are such good reminders and great revelations of what the character of God is like. If you happen to stumble across my page and have a favorite promise of God that you cling to or that encourages you, please post it in a comment. I'd love to see how others are encouraged by God's faithfulness too.
Until then- have a great day and remember that Every one of God's promises is fulfilled.